Fireforge navale WW2

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Power Wargamer
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Fireforge navale WW2

Post by Jehan »

About our Battlefleet WWII project, finally we have a bit of time for a resume for everyone was not at Salute in London this year.

Our intention is to bring to the market a new line of miniatures, to play naval warfare during the second world war.

We created a ruleset, yet ready for beta testing, with a good compromise between playability and historical accuracy, which will allow you in a couple of hours (in the case of great battles) to play a game on your classic 6x4 gaming table (180x120cm).

The general rules will be accompanied by specific fleet scenarios and lists for the following scenarios: Pacific (US, UK and Japan), Mediterranean (Italy, UK and France), Atlantic (UK, US and Germany) and Baltic (UK, Germany and Russia). The lists will allow you to play the specific classes of ships actually used in each scenario, to vary the equipment of your ships (depending on the period chosen to deploy your fleet) while the basic rules and the points system to build your task force will balance the fleet you are going to deploy, allowing you to play open games between fleets of different scenarios that have never actually collided. All of this characterizing every nation with special rules that reflect the strengths (or weaknesses for some) of the training and naval traditions of each nation.

In the same way, there will be a great variety and great attention to the aeronautics inserted in the various armylists, which will include all the models of airplanes deployed in battle, divided between aircraft that you can embark on your aircraft carrier and aircraft that you can call from a land base, of course all with different equipments.

Some scenarios will also allow you to have on your table scenic elements designed to modify your games, simulate real battles or invent your own what-if (like atolls, islands, atmospheric difficulties etc.).

The large number of different models we are going to make (each class of ships and every type of aircraft) will be in resin, in larger multi-component parts to allow us to offer you the greatest possible detail. The scale will be around 1:1800 for the ships while the planes will be on a different scale (not in real proportion with the scale of the ships to allow you to collect all the models we are going to make).

It is possible that the initial part of this project could be financed through a kickstarter campaign, but these are speculations given that for the moment our efforts are in trying to obtain a product of high quality and at the same time beautiful to paint.

We hope to be able to bring this project into stores during 2020.

We want to say thanks to everyone came at Salute asking for that project, your enthusiasm is the proof that we could make happy a lot of you (and a special thank to the two Miguel we had a real nice chat).

Stay tuned admirals :)
è un complotto per farmi iniziare il navale...and I'm fuckin' lovin' it \o/
Chaos has just become the inept cartoon villain who never quite managed to pull off a plan because the stormcast eternals show up and kick their asses, the sort of character that ends every show shaking his fist at the sky saying "I'll get you Sigmar..." 

Ho letto vagamente ora qualcosa sulle animacce della gente morta che si reincarna nel nuovo mondo, così puoi giocare con gli stessi personaggi anche se il mondo è finito, che roba ignobile
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