[WHFB][AoS] Licenza WFRP

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[WHFB][AoS] Licenza WFRP

Post by Gorfang »

Dal sito di ZweiHander (Grimandperilous):

It was just confirmed to us last night by GW’s licensing department that they are in the process of concluding a deal with a major European publisher for world-wide distribution rights to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. While no other details were shared, we can only speculate which major European RPG publishers may have acquired the rights.

Much like our prediction from a few years ago, Modiphius Entertainment seems the likeliest candidate. Following two very successful Kickstarter campaigns for CENSORED and CENSORED, it would not be too far fetched, particularly since they seem to be gobbling up popular licenses left and right. This may mean that the next edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay won’t use a percentile system, likely adopting the company’s overwhelmingly popular 2d20 system.
In addition, with several WFRP alumnus and Jay Little’s connections to GW from his time at Fantasy Flight Games as lead developer for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition, it would make for a great fit.

Another contender for the license could be Asmodèe Group, a French publisher. This would not be too far fetched, given their recent merger with Fantasy Flight Games. Details on the merger can be found here. Despite Fantasy Flight Game’s press release regarding the licensing rights, is that they have continued success with the Warhammer lines, outside of the tabletop RPG version. In addition, their forums for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay were migrated over to Asmodee in the last 48 hours (which you can still visit here).
Cubicle 7 may also be an alternative licensee. T.S. Luikart joined their team in 2015, who has a history with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition and Black Industries. Cubicle 7 has a number of niche, ‘sleeper hit’ licenses – in which Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay would make a great fit.


La licenza è stata comprata da Cubicle 7
Last edited by Gorfang on 31 Jan 2017, 15:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by gianni »

La collaborazione con Asmodee è fuori discussione secondo me, avendo appena mandato all'aria l'accordo con FFG (che E' Asmodee ora).
Interessante ma il punto di domanda è: nel caso arrivasse un nuovo RPG quale sarà l'ambientazione di Warhammer utilizzata???
Titoli onorifici: Gianni il Bardo

Sto giocando a: Middle-Earth SBG, Kings of War, Firefight.

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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Baldovino I »

gianni wrote:La collaborazione con Asmodee è fuori discussione secondo me, avendo appena mandato all'aria l'accordo con FFG (che E' Asmodee ora).
Interessante ma il punto di domanda è: nel caso arrivasse un nuovo RPG quale sarà l'ambientazione di Warhammer utilizzata???
Credo non ci siano dubbi, gianni. La stessa che usano nel videogioco più venduto della serie Total War...
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Shokon »

Se c'è una cosa di cui il mondo dei giochi di ruolo non ha bisogno adesso, è l'ennesimo "old school", e SO che se faranno una nuova versione di WFRP sarà un'operazione per nostalgici, quindi certamente basata su vecchissimi concetti.
E dire che ci sarebbero fior fiore di regolamenti generici pronti per essere adattati a qualsiasi ambientazione (cosa estremamente facile per quelle fantasy che non hanno nessun elemento particolarmente innovativo, come Warhammer o Warcraft).
Mah, staremo a vedere...
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Gorfang »

W Old School! :rock:
A parte le meccaniche di gioco, speriamo che riprendano l'ambientazione di WFRP 2 quella di Eredi di Sigmar, Tomo della Corruzione, eccetera...basati su Tempesta del Caos.
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Baldovino I »

Per la gioia di Gorfang ( :x ) e Shokon (visto che non sarà old school ;) ), la Cubicle ha annunciato che lancerà anche questo:
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by GGM »

Io ho giocato per alcuni anni a Martelli da Guerra al suo tempo della Nexus in Italia.
Era il 1994 circa.
Mi ero divertito una vita.
Non so le edizioni dopo come fossero.
Preferirei giocare in quel contesto li, magari con un regolamento un po più moderno e senza abbondare di regole, modificatori, tabelle molto in voga ai tempi.
Sulla questione Age of Sigmar va be che esca. A me non interessa.
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Gorfang »

Baldovino I wrote: 30 May 2017, 9:56 Per la gioia di Gorfang ( :x ) e Shokon (visto che non sarà old school ;) ), la Cubicle ha annunciato che lancerà anche questo:
Non potevano accontentarsi del Manual of Planes?

Dal cuore dell'inferno vomito su di te il mio ultimo respiro dannata bestia semi-cit. :-x
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by gianni »

Però arriva anche il "vero" WHFR!!!
Titoli onorifici: Gianni il Bardo

Sto giocando a: Middle-Earth SBG, Kings of War, Firefight.

Sto dipingendo: Lothlorien, Warhammer Quest (1995), Northern Alliance, Asterians.
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Re: Licenza WFRP

Post by Jehan »

Baldovino I wrote: 30 May 2017, 9:56 Per la gioia di Gorfang ( :x ) e Shokon (visto che non sarà old school ;) ), la Cubicle ha annunciato che lancerà anche questo:
vedo solo il nulla mischiato col niente (cit.)
Chaos has just become the inept cartoon villain who never quite managed to pull off a plan because the stormcast eternals show up and kick their asses, the sort of character that ends every show shaking his fist at the sky saying "I'll get you Sigmar..." 

Ho letto vagamente ora qualcosa sulle animacce della gente morta che si reincarna nel nuovo mondo, così puoi giocare con gli stessi personaggi anche se il mondo è finito, che roba ignobile
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Re: [WHFB][AoS] Licenza WFRP

Post by Jehan »

qualche info trovata sulla board /tg di 7chan

Zweihänder guys have some news to report on WFRP 4e. In brief, it's not coming this year, and they're not planning on converting The Enemy Within:

Q: We’ve heard this game will be out by the end of the year, is it still on track for a release around Christmas?

A: He has seen the cover art and it’s great, but it is very unlikely to be out by the end of the calendar year. What they meant was that it will be out before the end of the Fiscal Year, or sometime in the early Summer of 2018

Q: There is a ton of great Warhammer material published in 1e / 2e, will you be re-issuing campaigns with updated rulesets?

A: Very, very unlikely. Little to no money to be made selling products already widely available. Fans are encouraged to update the existing campaigns on their own. Some conversation guidance may be offered in the future.

Q: We’ll be returning to the old world, right? None of this Age of Sigmar Silliness?

A: Both systems will be offered with different focuses, the Fantasy version will support a roleplaying focus and the Age of Signmar system will be different (but similar) so that it can support a combat focus.

Q: Will they be supporting on-line game systems (e.g. Roll20) with campaigns or other ready-to-play materials for gamemasters?

A: If Warhammer fantasy was a niche market, then game masters of the same was an even smaller market. Pile on those who play on-line and you’re potential market was too small to provide ready-made products for as the development would be cost prohibitive for their mid-sized company. He acknowledged that he is an in-person, no-battle map purist however — so he was pretty perplexed why I was even asking this question until I explained that my players lived in 4 different states and could only play on-line.

Chaos has just become the inept cartoon villain who never quite managed to pull off a plan because the stormcast eternals show up and kick their asses, the sort of character that ends every show shaking his fist at the sky saying "I'll get you Sigmar..." 

Ho letto vagamente ora qualcosa sulle animacce della gente morta che si reincarna nel nuovo mondo, così puoi giocare con gli stessi personaggi anche se il mondo è finito, che roba ignobile
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Re: [WHFB][AoS] Licenza WFRP

Post by Gorfang »

Non sarò ottimista così non possono deludermi :D
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