Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Cavalieri, crociati, nazisti, vichinghi. Anche gli uni contri gli altri se serve.
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Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Footsore ha annunciato sulla propria pagina di faccialibro il prossimo gioco: Gangs of Rome.

Si giocherà su una superifice di 3' x 3'. Il setting è descritto nel modo seguente:
In Gangs of Rome (GoR), you will be taking a step onto the streets and alleyways of the Ancient Roman Empire.
Set in uncertain times, the streets have become rife with carnage and unrest as brutal gangs of fighters are wielded like living weapons exerting the will of each Dominus they work for.

Il sistema di gioco gira intorno ai Denarii (potevano fare uno sforzino ulteriore e chiamarli sesterzi, però).
In the game of Gangs of Rome, the members of each player's Gang can be constantly modified by virtue of the Roman Denarii coins central to the game's engine. These coins symbolise the Domini purchasing aid for their gang of fighters.
Placed face down behind a fighter, a single Denarii coin will Shadow its host on the battlefield, its identity concealed.
These coins will sometimes trigger during an opponents turn as a reaction to a direct attack on a fighter, or the proximity of a foe.
Assigned coins may also simply be revealed during the players own turn, as the fighter uses the weapon or item designated by the Denarii itself.
Some rare coins are actual physical allies to a gang, that are treated almost like a game piece in their own right when played.
Thematically, as the presence of a living ally is impossible to conceal by robe, cloak or shadow, these special coins are deployed face up next to their fighters on the very first turn of play, if the player has included them.
A players Coin Bank represents the additional weapons, items and ally resources they will use throughout the game. Gangs Of Rome Denarii are a costed resource and their addition to your Gang is part of the points limit of your Gangs construction. Limits also apply to the mix of coins a player may include in their Coin Bank.
You may have Denarii in all kinds of strategic mixes in your collection.
Some restrictions do apply...
You may have up to 3 commons that share the same name.
You may have up to 2 uncommon that share the same name.
You may have only 4 rare coins, among the Denarii you personally use in the game, and each rare must have a DIFFERENT name.
The use of coins in each fighters turn is always your choice, as each Fighter in GoR is also able to fight and defend themselves quite formidable, even without the addition of the enhancements detailed on the coins.
Timing and use of all the choices you have at your disposal is key to your success as the game unfolds.
Heedless of what type of attack you choose (coin or basic) only ONE "attack" type action may ever be chosen in your individual fighters turn.
The properties and "in-game rules" of each coin will be listed on a corresponding reference card that will accompany each of the 4 coins you will receive per single fighter blister pack.
The fighter models themselves will be entirely visible in style and sculpt in each blister, but the coin set that will accompany them will vary.
Included coins will be selected from an initial pool of the 40 coins, that make up the Gangs Of Rome "Blood on the Aventine" set.
Fighter model miniatures will offer component variation and players are also encouraged to customise their Gang members and form strategies based on the coins and fighters acquired.
The fighters themselves are each completely unique, and the coins that accompany them may be used to expand upon their already listed skills.
By virtue of our design process, even if you purchased the same fighter miniature twice, it is actually impossible to get the exact same fighter card twice, as each Gangs of Rome fighter is essentially "born" for the very first time when the corresponding card is created by our system.
Drawn from a vast pool of highly desirable fighting traits, each player's Gang will always be completely different from their opponents and so the choice of coins used in their tasking is a uniquely personal experience, as each player tailors their bank to maximise their Gangs already inherent talents.
Players will likely develop multiple Coin Banks each designed to work in different ways allowing their assigned Gang to even completely change their play style from game to game.

Gangs of Rome is coming...

Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Nuovi elementi:
The Mob of Rome & Blend.
The funny thing about many games set primarily in a dense urban environment like a city is there is almost always one key element missing... people.
In many modern games, this is explained away with the conflict so close, the citizenry has simply abandoned their homes, leaving the city to the forces within, as war ravages what remains.
In Gangs of Rome, we have departed from this depiction of a city.
Rome is perfectly fine, in fact, she is thriving!
The fighters of Gangs Of Rome will carry out the various missions and objectives of their Domini while weaving through the milling crowds of an active city of people.
Rome is alive with ordinary everyday citizens, and the fighters must be careful of just what is done... and where...
A representative of the crowd, the "Mob of Rome" stands move randomly around the city.
Violence committed within range of a Mobs awareness, illicit one of 3 reactions from the crowd.
Shock, Panic or Rage.
Often on the move, the Mobs presence, or sometimes lack of presence in an area of the city, cause windows of strategic opportunity to open and close continuously.
There is no restriction placed on when or where your fighters use their attacks, however the Mobs reaction to witnessing such violence can be unpredictable and in some cases... deadly to a fighter.
Despite the Mobs unpredictable reaction to violence, it can also be one of a fighters greatest assets.
A fighter coming into casual contact, with a mob stand may "Blend" with the crowd and essentially become "lost to the eye" vanishing from the knowledge of all other fighters on the table.
Models once blended are removed from play until the beginning of their next activation, and this is where things can get VERY interesting indeed…
In their time lost from sight, a blended fighter is considered to have been constantly on the move to get into position, at the beginning of their next turn they must rejoin play, but can do so from ANY other mob location in the entire city.
Although seemingly powerful as an action, a blend style move can be countered or cut short, as there are many ways fighters still present in play, may actively seek a fighter who has temporarily vanished from sight.
Mobs can be searched by opposing fighters or purposely driven to panic, to perhaps reveal a hidden fighter within.
There is also a cost to the hidden fighter to perform a Blend type action, as to remain anonymous, any coin that accompanies a fighter when they Blend must be discarded when they vanish into the crowd.
The living city of Rome and the ability for fighters to blend into its moody crowds are just two of the unique aspects of play offered in Gangs of Rome.
There is so much we want to show you and hope you will join us as this adventure unfolds.
Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

sito in preparazione e...

Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

tralaltro dovrebbero essere coinvolti gli stessi tizi di warlord games che hanno fatto le regole di Test of Honour
non ho ben capito se hanno lasciato warlord games ho se lavorano a questo nuovo progetto come freelancers...
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by gianni »

Oh... seguo con interesse.
Titoli onorifici: Gianni il Bardo

Sto giocando a: Middle-Earth SBG, Kings of War, Firefight.

Sto dipingendo: Lothlorien, Warhammer Quest (1995), Northern Alliance, Asterians.
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Nuove info sul gioco

In the Gangs Of Rome game when it comes to facing off sandal to sandal, there are two very distinct styles of hand to hand combat when either making a direct attack or REPLYING to a direct attack.
These are Blood and Brawl styles, and here we will look at the differences.
GoR Combat hint.
BLOOD style combat effects an opposing fighters flesh.
BRAWL style combat effects an opposing fighters position on the field.
Blood style combat is the "default" combat style in all Gangs of Rome's hand to hand combat.
Unless a fighter states otherwise before rolling attack dice, we assume that any attack made in hand to hand is in the blood style.
Blood style attacks focus on potentially causing the most amount of damage to an opposing fighters "flesh" total.
Damage to a fighter's flesh score will go on to reduce their movement and agility.
The number of attacks and the way they charge an enemy will remain fixed throughout the game, however, as any fighter facing their imminent death will find the strength to engage a nearby enemy and give it all they possibly can.
Before rolling dice to attack while engaged in hand to hand, a player must declare they will be using a Brawl style attack if that is their intent.
Brawl style attacks are not repelled using opposing fighters defence, escaping a Brawl attack is directly related to fighters current Agility, which in turn corresponds to how much damage a gang member may already have suffered to their Flesh total.
Simply put, the weaker a fighter becomes, the more likely they are to lose a brawl style encounter and be pushed or thrown from their current base to base position with their foe.
This forced movement can have various effects from mild to catastrophic depending on the terrain surrounding the melee itself.
First and foremost, what a successful brawl first achieves, is the separation of fighters.
A more significant risk to the thrown fighter, however, is what surrounds them when this "forced separation" occurs.
Being thrown into a solid wall, cart, or cluster of sharp pottery shards, would be the least of their problems.
What about being thrown off the high roof of a building to the hard cobblestone streets below?
What about being thrown into the boiling lava of Vesuvius as chunks of the great city of Pompeii drift on a burning ocean of disaster?
What about being thrown into a wall of spikes in some back alley Gladiator pit?
We have designed Gangs of Rome with cinematic drama utmost in mind. Take your seats for the show is about to begin!
Here at Footsore, we cannot wait for you to see what wonders we have gathered, you won't be disappointed, and this we can assure you, is only the beginning.
Gangs of Rome is no mere game it's a system, designed to grow and grow, with the help and guidance of the citizens and Senators that will make up the future of our community.
Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

dalla regia mi dicono che iniziano i preordini il 24 Novembre e prevedono di consegnare ad inizio anno prossimo
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

sulla pagina FB hanno dato alcune info extra
tipo i blister conterranno 1 miniatura (con diverse opzioni per le armi), nel blister ci sara' una carta con le statistiche del modello ed alcuni contenuti saranno casuali (dei gettoni che si infilano in alcuni slot sulle basette)

non ci dovrebbero essere starter veri e propri ma ci sara' un offerta iniziale con 5 blister a £35 o giu' di li.

L'idea della roba casuale e' abbastanza interessante, da quello che scrivono sulla pagina FB vorrebbero organizzare eventi "alla magic the gathering" in cui i giocatori arrivano in negozio, vengono distribuiti carte e getttoni a caso e devono costruire la loro amry list usando il materiale a disposizione

OVVIAMENTE qualcuno e' gia' andato fuori di testa e sta insultando gente a destra e manca sulla pagina FB, il problema e' che secondo me un sistema del genere e' troppo "innovativo" per il giocatore tipo di wargame storici e stanno accusando i designer di tutto di piu' :drunk:
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by gianni »

Tipica follia social. Che schifo.
Titoli onorifici: Gianni il Bardo

Sto giocando a: Middle-Earth SBG, Kings of War, Firefight.

Sto dipingendo: Lothlorien, Warhammer Quest (1995), Northern Alliance, Asterians.
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

concordo. Allucinante
Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

se vedete la loro pagina di FB hanno fatto un mega post questa mattina in cui spiegano il perche' di certe scelte

secondo me pero' non si dovevano degnare di rispondere a certa gente e basta, non capisco prche' debbano giustificare il fatto di aver messo personaggi femminili nel gioco...
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

il preordine e' rimandato ad inizio dicembre dato che non vogliono fare concorrenza alle offerte del black friday

sempre su FB hanno postato info aggiuntive sulla modalita' arena (con tanto di leone)
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

il mio problema maggiore per quanto riguarda sto gioco e' che non trovero' nessuno interessato a giocarci
nel week end ho sondato l'opinione dei vari compagni di merende e a nessuno frega niente :|

il problema e' che si colloca un po' in una nicchia strana di "gente che gioca wargames storici" e "gente che gioca skirmish con campagna e progressione"
p.s. proprio l'altro giorno una signorina per strada mi ha detto che potevo farle qualunque roba per £40, quasi quasi la pago per giocare a gangs of rome con me 8-)
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

domani inizia il preordine

dovrebbe essere dispobile anche su warlord games e northstar miniatures
(ho scoperto che sono nello stesso complesso industriale, in pratica hanno lo stesso parcheggio :| )

ci dovrebbero essere disponibili diversi bundle a prezzi scontati sia per i modelli che per gli edifici in mdf (realizzati da sarissa precision)
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Baldovino I »

Saint of Killers wrote: 27 Nov 2017, 13:28
p.s. proprio l'altro giorno una signorina per strada mi ha detto che potevo farle qualunque roba per £40, quasi quasi la pago per giocare a gangs of rome con me 8-)
sei un mito...
Titoli onorifici: TUTAN BALDON (quello che porto con più orgoglio);
GRUDGEBEARER ETERNAL (conquistato sul campo di Tilea);

Giochi a cui sto giocando (si fa per dire, ovviamente): Kow Armada; Cursed City; Rangers of shadowdeep; WHFB; Mighty Empires; SAGA (Age of Magic e Age of Crusades)

Pittura in corso:
Kislev: arcieri kisleviti a cavallo (7); Conti vampiro: scheletri (10);
Scenici: osservatorio del teschio; Bretonnia: 7 cavalieri appiedati, 5 pellegrini del graal; Orchi e goblin: 4 mandriani goblin delle tenebre e 16 squig; Mighty Empires: 3 segnalini eserciti, 3 segnalini nave, 1 segnalini città, 4 segnalini villaggio, 3 segnalini drago

Miniature dipinte 2024: Bretonnia: 5 cavalieri appiedati, 1 pellegrini del graal, il cavaliere nero
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

Baldovino I wrote: 1 Dec 2017, 12:08 sei un mito...
grazie, mi sa che ti ho dato un idea...

cmq iniziano ad apparire i preordini su northstarfigures (stanno aggiornando le immagini)

visti cosi' mi sembrano un po' cari (£8 a modello + carte?)
i 2 budle con 7 modelli + regole costa ben £64 :roll:
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by Saint of Killers »

hanno anche attivato il sito ufficiale

incredibilmente ci sono dei bundle un po' diversi da quelli su northstar
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Re: Footsore Miniatures - Gangs of Rome

Post by gianni »

Che simpatiche signorine ci sono in giro per l'Inghilterra... :inlove:

Vabbè vado a vedere i bundle...
Titoli onorifici: Gianni il Bardo

Sto giocando a: Middle-Earth SBG, Kings of War, Firefight.

Sto dipingendo: Lothlorien, Warhammer Quest (1995), Northern Alliance, Asterians.
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